The litter we originally wanted bred late, so we had to be flexible! We were instead placed on the Holly/Acer litter, born on October 12th, 2007. Follow these links and you can see Leo's ancestors and his brothers and sisters. Originally we wanted a BIG male (Shiloh adult males can top out at around 160 pounds!!), preferably a plush (longer-haired) sable. Unfortunately there were a lot of people waiting for males, and we realized as we talked that, much as we would like a particular look or sex, what was really important was our new pup's temperament. So we did what many an applicant has done in the past and put ourselves in Tina's capable hands!
The great irony was that after all of our being flexible and being willing to take a girl pup instead, the one which ended up being the best fit for us was exactly what we had originally wanted: a big, sable, plush pup, Blue Boy! We were ecstatic at the news, and the new pupster was dubbed Leonidas (because you just can't go wrong with Spartans, you know)! He arrived late, late at night on December 14th. The picture above is from that first night--we were all VERY tired!!